Saturday, June 23, 2012

Personal Interest - Photography

This is a fairly long post, but most of it is visual and what I would consider engaging. I absolutely love street photography, and some days Instagram is my BFF (Instagram+retail=endless possibilities)! This typically ends up including my two-year-old or 13-year-old (my other loves), but my shots normally have a more modern edge to them. I also love to play with lighting and space. To me, a successful photo has made it's viewer feel intrigued and curious about the situation/characters present for this millisecond that has been captured in time....
Here are some of my recent favorites:

I also did bits and pieces of photography for both butters&beans organics and butters&beans kids (the clothing line and the boutique) - sometimes it just wasn't economical to bring in a photographer when all I needed was one or two outfits shot. So, I learned a lot online and asked a lot of questions of my professional photog friends to be able to take what I think are some pretty amazing shots for an amateur! I also learned to use Photoshop Elements for these projects, so I am familiar with this program.
Here are a few of my favorites:

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