Thursday, July 12, 2012

Customer Service vs. Relationship Building

As a hiring manager you may often hear about a candidates communication and relationship building skills with their customers...however, are they going to be able to translate those relationships into profit-building sales? Can they coach their staff to maximize each relationship through sales techniques? If you truly want a manager that can increase your profits by maximizing sales through building customer relationships, then all of your candidates should be able to give you a detailed approach to sales techniques. There are many retailers in the Midwest that train their managers on "customer service". Relationship building however, and how to sell through relationship building, is an entirely different concept. The video below shows a Hugo Boss (I managed the Hugo Boss at Short Hills) stylist discussing shirt and tie choices, which is a process involving qualifying the client, explaining features and benefits (not product knowledge), probably smoking out objectives and definitely directing the sale - all while building a relationship that will lead to future sales. Customer service versus relationship building - which concept do you require your future manager or district manager to implement?

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